
    Vocational identity of at-risk emerging adults and its relationship with individual characteristics

    Publicatie van Kenniscentrum Talentontwikkeling

    R. Keijzer, W. Admiraal, Roeland Rijst,van der, E.J. Schooten,van | Artikel | Publicatiedatum: 25 september 2019
    Vocational identity is a prerequisite for enhancing societal inclusion of at-risk emerging adults. School curricula and rebound programs need insights into individual differences of these youths to effectively foster their vocational identity. Identifying three aspects of vocational identity, a questionnaire study among at-risk emerging adults in The Netherlands (N = 996) examined the relationship between clusters of demographic, personality, self-sufficiency, self-competence, and school engagement characteristics and vocational identity performing blockwise entry analyses. Largest proportions of variance were explained by personality traits and, to a lesser extent, motivation, resilience, and valuing school outcome. These malleable characteristics offer opportunities for interventions.

    Auteur(s) - verbonden aan Hogeschool Rotterdam

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